Fishes in my Art
Fishes make their appearances on my canvasses and other objects often, mostly uninvited but not unwelcome at all, as I love their symbolism.
For me, they symbolize so much, but, above all, adaptability and transformation.
An extended vacation after a great exhibition: my update
We had fun and a lot of hard work in between! Can you believe that we transformed the empty space below in this magic “gallery” above in a few very busy hours!! I want to rewind a bit, as I want to cover my working holiday trip, as this post is not just about an […]
The 1-2-3 of Creativity in my art
Blur the line between work and play: You can click on this link to listen to the same music I am listening to while I am writing this blog post, music always helps to get me into my zone while writing, while creating, however, I prefer less relaxed music: Music for writing About my mind and […]
The best pencils ever made
As I am busy with a pencil painting, very much like this little one here, I decided to do a blog post about all (or some of) the pencil artworks I did. My first pencil artwork: This is where the first pencil started, almost 4 years ago, a miniature little painting for an art […]