I had two fun-filled days painting in Stellenbosch with the well-known artist, Glendine

I was in Stellenbosch for a few days and decided to arrange a “painting-date” with my artist friend, Glendine. We had such a great time and we documented our process to share it with you.
Reflection on my Art journey of 2020

2021 – A NEW YEAR – A NEW STORY TO BE TOLD (Painted) At last… A new year, a new page, and in my case, yet another new town. It is 2021, 2020 might have been one of the longest, and simultaneously, in some weird way, one of the shortest years ever in my life.Nobody […]
Fishes in my Art

Fishes make their appearances on my canvasses and other objects often, mostly uninvited but not unwelcome at all, as I love their symbolism.
For me, they symbolize so much, but, above all, adaptability and transformation.
Painted Vintage Mannequin- abandoned…then recycled

And the virgin’s name was Mary Once the center of attention under the spotlight to be admired, she has since been disposed of for there arose new trends that replaced her. But her life was long from over yet… she stumbled upon me, and I knew that I could revive her. Through my eyes, […]