Fishes in my Art

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain.

Fishes make their appearances on my canvasses and other objects often, mostly uninvited but not unwelcome at all, as I love their symbolism.
For me, they symbolize so much, but, above all, adaptability and transformation.

Be more creative as an artist

Creativity workshop

“The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising and gave to it neither the power nor time.”  Quote by Mary Oliver  Be more creative: I often get the question of how I get to my ideas and also about […]

The 1-2-3 of Creativity in my art

My mind tumbling around, like me here!!

  Blur the line between work and play: You can click on this link to listen to the same music I am listening to while I am writing this blog post, music always helps to get me into my zone while writing, while creating, however, I prefer less relaxed music: Music for writing About my mind and […]

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