
Can we still say it’s a new year? January is running out and the holidays are already just a vague memory.

I moved into a new studio, and have light and space and chirping birds around me after a long while of occupying uncomfortable workspaces. 

I decided that this year will be the year of being grateful for what I have, unplanned obstacles cross our paths but in spite of that and in spite of negative elements and situations, I promise myself that I will get something to be grateful for each day of 2018!

I will try to see the world and my life with fresh eyes.


Quote by Charlotte Eriksson
There comes a time when you will go outside and let the sun shine on your face…  25x25cm

Above quote by Charlotte Eriksson will be a reminder to get into the sunshine and let the rays warm my heart.

“There comes a time for healing
no matter how broken you are right now;
no matter how heavy your heart is right now.
There comes a time when you will go outside
and let the sun shine on your face
and let the wind touch your hair
and you will not be tired by just simply being awake.
There comes a time when you will be happy to be alive again
and that day you will appreciate your own being
because now you know the other side.
Now you know the opposite.
Now you know what it’s like to not be sure if you really are; who
you really are;
if you simply are, anymore.
And that day
will be the beginning of everything.”


'n Nuwe Hoofstuk / A new chapter - painting 15x15cm
                ‘n Nuwe Hoofstuk / A new chapter    25x25cm 

A new year, a new chapter…  what awaits us…?

Our faith is tried and tested and the testing will always be part of our lives… in spite of that, I will keep on trying and giving and growing.

I will work hard to keep the enthusiasm and excitement and to keep moving forward. 

This year will be the year that I will make conscious choices and decisions in order to reorganize things so they work better for me. 

Grateful 25x25cm
                                           Grateful 25x25cm

I will keep pushing through the barriers and inhibitions that held me back in the past and be grateful for every little step that takes me to the next level of growth, calmness and being content with what I have and for appreciating the people around me. 

I will keep moving forward even by simply making certain aspects of my life more beautiful, I will make every little start and effort count.

First think, second believe, thirdly dream and finally dare!
                                         Faith    25x25cm 

I will always have faith and live up to these words of Walt Disney:  

“First think

Second, believe

Thirdly dream 

and finally, DARE!” 

When we practice gratitude, we bring a focus to the present and our lives become enriched as we center our attention on all of our many blessings. 

What are you grateful for today? 30x40cm
What are you grateful for today? 30x40cm

To maintain an attitude of gratitude is challenging. 

 Neale Donald Walsch: ” The struggle ends when gratitude begins” 

“Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.” –  Dalai Lama  

Your soul has the key to doors that were previously locked for you, get that key, find the time…unlock those doors…

Create beauty… 



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All Artwork © Mariaan Kotzé