Women as Guardians of Vanishing Species

Women as Guardians of Vanishing Species Blog Post by South African artist Mariaan Kotze

In this series, I will delve into the profound interconnectedness of women and endangered animals, symbolizing their shared vulnerability and the need for protection. In this collection, the woman takes centre stage, not just as a subject but as a powerful muse highlighting vulnerability and resilience. This theme provokes thought about the impermanence of both […]


Realigned Art Exhibition opening Oliewenhuis Art Museum Bloemfontein - Mariaan Kotze Art

Recently, I had the pleasure of attending the opening of the Re/aligned art exhibition at the Reservoir in the Oliewenhuis Art Museum in Bloemfontein. Curated by the Art Museum Guides, this exhibition promised a unique perspective on South African art, and it certainly delivered. Accompanied by my daughter, we stepped into the Reservoir gallery and […]

Valentine’s Day: A Loveable History

Valentine's Day: A Loveable History

Ah, Valentine’s Day – a day filled with flowers, chocolates, and all things heart-shaped. But have you ever stopped to wonder how this day of love came to be? The origins of Valentine’s Day are a mix of romance, martyrdom, and a sprinkle of ancient Roman antics. The Rebel Priest: Saint Valentine Legend has it […]

The Mystic Muse: Crows in my Art

South African artist Mariaan Kotze with Crow paintings Esoteric art symbolic (1)

A Lifelong Fascination “Crows are evil,” some may say, but for me, they are anything but malevolent. My fascination with crows started as a small child when I encountered a talking crow in a cage at the Bloemfontein Zoo. My parents had to drag me away from the cage where the crow was kept. The […]

Embracing the Dance of Transition

Embracing the Dance of Transition

Change is the rhythmic heartbeat of life, an ever-present force guiding us through the intricate dance of transition. Whether it’s the ebb and flow of daily routines, the inevitable shifts in relationships, or the broader currents of personal growth, transition is the constant companion on our journey through existence. The Unavoidable Symphony of Change 1. […]

The Impact of Studio Size on Artistic Expression

The impact of a studio size on artistic expression

The Impact of Studio Size on Artistic Expression -From a Large Studio to a Small Working Space. Reflecting on the Journey: From the Past to the Future As I sit here, contemplating the last few years of my life, I cannot help but think about how much has changed. Looking back over the past 10 […]

Ascending – a Painting about courage

Ascending Symbolic painting Take off and fly Blog Post Mariaan Kotze Art

Ascending – a Painting about courage. Time to step out into the unknown… All elements in this painting are symbols that enhance the story I portrayed in this artwork. The Bumblebee myth: Because of the myth that engineers have proved that Bumblebees cannot fly as their wings are too small for their bulky bodies, I […]

The Meaning of My Art

Art is my escape into a dreamlike reality - a peaceful, isolated world. I want to share this safe escape with onlookers and allow them to become part of it, if only for a moment.

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P Lovecraft Like all people, I go through many emotions.  Like all people, I have ups and downs.  Like all people, these various emotions spill out into my everyday life.  Unlike all people, […]

Must-see Galleries in Hermanus!

Reflecting on my recent adventures to Hermanus. I highly recommend these Hermanus-based art galleries for your travel itinerary the next time you are in town!

Step out into the unknown

Step out into the unknown

The people that know me, know that I move a lot and I often step out into the unknown. Over the years I did several paintings with cars and these past few weeks I have revisited the theme. A few people contacted me and said they see I’m restless and a good friend called and […]

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